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    Last SeptemberI established an eternal plague at Calgary Monastory for my elder brother who passed away earler that year. My parents have plagues at TTBM since 2002 and earlier. Unfortunately the situation changed and it is no longer available there. With the referral to Gold Wheel then to Calgary it was done. I also proposed a suggestion to renovate current system to a virtual one to open to everone. I hope you will support it also: 法界佛教總會萬佛城有寬廣之腹地乃普澤法雨之吉祥寶地,設有長生,永生之牌位以利益眾生,誠屬可貴。近日得悉2014年起已不再接受新的申請誠屬可惜。其他道場也因種種原因限制無法滿足廣大群眾的需求。謹此提議,願意贊助和推廣,如能擴充,增建則綿綿永遠,法喜無邊。如今電腦科技發展明遠。如果實質的擴展有困難,是否可以考慮在原地改設獨立電腦檔案的長生和永生牌位,附屬在萬佛城網站之下,信衆可上線申請。首先存檔容量能無限量放大,其次各道場都能共享集中在一個平台上,再就是各道場現有的牌位也得以轉換成電腦virtual 平台集中管理,更能保證常久精簡而經濟的集中管理和維護。此致 法界佛教總會 弟子 臧果山,洛杉磯 ps I noticed Master Hua ‘s first coming visit to Golden Wheel but Ididn’t know there was a taking refugee ceremony. As Master Sure leading the way to the…

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    I am not a sociable person. I prefer solitude. I live in the mountains in my car. I had been wanting to be able to sit in full lotus for twenty years or so but never quite able to handle the pain. Since I live in my car and have had to sit low on mattress while cooking, doing daily chores. It has somehow helped to stretch my legs. Recently, I have been chanting the Heart Sutra for hours and hours sitting in my car, trying to memorize the japanese version. I started to venture out on hikes and doing Heart sutra recitation while sitting in full lotus. Then it…

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    I pick up broken glass bottles that people deliberately spread on forest trails and mountainess areas. It harms poor animals and bicyclists. I always bring fruit and snacks to feed the birds and small animals like chipmunks. It brings me joy when I see them eating the food. Because of droughts, animals are eating bark and such to stay survive in the desert. Picking up trash and glass has been a favorite pass time. My contribution in this effort makes me feel at that moment I am not living in vain. I can be useful.

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    I practiced Metta meditation before rising for the day and my full bladder held! I meditated with a guided meditation for 20 minutes and learned to appreciate myself and the things that make life comfortable. I attended weekly group meditation, though this week there was only two. We meditated for 30 minutes! We shared some teachings we had read, and news of member of our group that has passed! We did this as we sat in a forest park with the sun shining into our being as it drifted between branches of high pine and fir!

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    I write daily in different forums, always trying to contribute and guide whoever needs it.

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    As i write this I feel self-conscious and boastful. Nevertheless, I would like to listen to the music so- I had an altercation with a dear friend recently (day before yesterday) and it was something inevitable; I believe now that it had to happen how it happened and my actions were what they were. It got into a pretty public spectacle, however we ended the night by my friend, his sister and I eating dinner (fish) together at my grandmother’s place. The reason why I know this is a good deed is what I did yesterday. I got up in the morning and as soon as the thought popped in…

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    Last year, I lived in a tent. This year I live in a car. Although I have little to live on, I donate things I dont use at the moment. It’s become a natural response to practice generosity. I dont have things to give now since I myself am living on bare minimum. I play Buddhist music while living in my car in the bitter cold mountains along side with others whom for whatever reason has had to do same. I wish I knew how other ways to give generosity now that iam in a position where I have no physical commodity?

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    i shared youtube videos on chanting for father, mother and children with my brother and sister-in-law so as to let them get better understanding about chanting and its benefit for others as well as for themselves

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