Good Karma Music Stories

  • Post Title (3/18/2023) by An from USA

    I attended my friends’ show to support them! They seemed a bit nervous before they went on stage, but quickly transformed into captivating performers. I cheered for them loudly and praised them for their stellar performance. They were delighted that a group of friends came out to show their support.

  • Post Title (3/18/2023) by Rose from Madison, USA

    I used to take the bus to work every morning, but now I drive a car. One morning, I was driving to work when I recognized my neighbor and colleague walking from the bus stop to our apartment complex. I stopped my car and asked them if they needed a ride. They did. I drove them to our office. They appreciated carpooling with me, and I appreciated their company on my work commute.

  • Post Title (3/11/2023) by nguyen cuong from Ho Chi Minh


  • Post Title (3/9/2023) by Andrew K. from Redwood City

    Today my wife is sick with covid. I would like for her to be able to listen to Brian Conroy’s Dharma stories so I will do a good deed. My good deed today is that I will recite the Mani Mantra 500 times. Also I will recite Amitabas name and wisper it into the ears of my students who I will be teaching how to swim at the Y. Also I will try my best to be patient and take care of my wife without being selfish. May all beings have the good fortune to be able to listen to Dharma Stories.

  • Post Title (3/9/2023) by Peanut Ng from Kullm,Kedah

    Since my granpa passed away, my grandma was feeling lonely all the time. So I spent my whole holiday to stay in her house and tried my best to make her happy.

  • Post Title (2/19/2023) by Nancy Soderstrom from Oceanside newyour

    Help people with any concerns at no coast it’s a blessing to us both.

  • Post Title (2/16/2023) by Anonymous from USA

    My best friend and sisters recently told me on separate occasions that they were going through a hard time, whether it be feeling really sad, tired, or upset. I know what it is like to feel blue, so I took out my stationery supplies and wrote them each a letter. I decorated their envelopes and stamped cute stamps onto the paper I wrote on. I included some stickers and wrote words from my heart that empathized with what they were going through, encouraged them, and wished them well. Writing letters is one of my favorite things to do, so I was happy to get the chance to spread a little joy to those I love and care about. Difficult times get a bit easier when you know someone out there is thinking about you.