Good Karma Music Stories

  • Post Title (3/18/2023) by Nina from Serbia

    my good friend complained to me how his anxiety has been awful lately and kept him awake at night and told me how he feels like he needs a silly little stuffed animal to hug at night to help. So, while I was at a bookstore looking for something to get myself, I noticed that they also sold cute stuffed bunnies and thought that I could get it for him. He loved it! I don’t know if it helped much, because he never told me, but he did say how he sleeps with it every night, which made me quite happy 🙂

  • Post Title (3/18/2023) by Neiya from Miami FL

    The other week, my mother was complaining how she wasn’t able to grade tests because not a single one of our red ink pens was working. This is something that really upset her, given how small of a problem it honestly was, so the next day (on International women’s day, yep!), as I was on my way to class, I walked pass a office supplies store and thought to myself: “Okay, I should definitely get her a red ink pen…” And that I did! She was incredibly happy when I gave it to her and even bought me cheesecake as a thank you the next day!

  • Post Title (3/18/2023) by Lucas from Utah

    When my friends are going through tough times, I usually try to talk and check up on them as often as I can. Though, unless it’s an extreme example of a friend going through a hard time (as in the answer above), my help tends to be more verbal than anything else. I do try to help as much as they let me and I can, but I also do think that talking as a way of help is something I’m better at than other ways. Occasionally I do to try to take my friends out on walks or picnics to try to get them to get some fresh air and perhaps distract them from their problems. Picnics always seem like the best option, because it gives us time to both talk and stuff our feelings with food!

  • Post Title (3/18/2023) by Nina from serbia

    One time, I helped prepare meals for a friend who was going through a relatively hard period in their life and couldn’t take care of themselves well. They didn’t really want my help fully (as in they didn’t want me to help clean their apartment, do their laundry and other chores) as they felt it was too embarrassing to be taken care of, but eventually settled on having me help with meal prep. This was great for me, because cooking is something that I’m good at and at least like to do compared to other chores! It was a bit hard to think of certain meals to make, since my friend’s vegan, but they did assure me that I did a great job and was of great help!

  • Post Title (3/18/2023) by Doug from LA, California

    I gave a friend a ride to a mechanic shop from work because he finished work early before his scheduled shuttle. I also happened to finish work at the same time he did.

  • Post Title (3/18/2023) by Kenneth from Ontario, Canada

    All I ever did was actively listen to a friend. They had all the thoughts in their head that they wanted to speak out and someone to listen. We were camping, it was at night around a campfire everyone else was asleep except for them and I. I asked them how they were but actually asked them how they genuinely were. Then the venting session happened and I listened.

  • Post Title (3/18/2023) by Askey from Fort Lauderdale

    I helped my friend study for a test for a subject that they had a really hard time with, and i talked to them about their problems to help them feel better.