• Sisters become surrogate moms – unexpectedly!!

    The phone rang – it was my sister. “Can you come over? we found kittens …” I rushed to her home, all the way thinking about the humid 95+ degree heat we had been enduring, sending positive thoughts that the kittens would be okay. Well, other than being very hungry and missing their mom they were healthy babies about two weeks old. They had been trapped outside behind an icemaker and were howling through the ventilation grate for their mom (everyone looked for several days, but the wooded area near the river is full of dangers for small animals – eagles, osprey, hawks, fox. I saw several cats at the…

  • a mother’s unconditional love

    …changed my life.It was a couple of days before Christmas and I was shopping at the Vancouver Costco. I couldn’t help but notice how “un-Christmas” the atmosphere was…parents yelling at their kids to hurry up and don’t touch this or that…or worse, some kids were just being ignored and crying for attention. Civilized adults being rude to each other…and I remember thinking how pitiful it all was. I was in the store looking for a Wii – somebody told me they might be available there. I asked a clerk who very nicely told me I was out of luck – see I only had a vague idea of what a…

  • daily kindness

    Yesterday, June 30, 2008, a friend of mine brought back boxes full all kind of vegetable picked from her family Fresno farm to me. I thought, there is no way I could finish them in one week. If I offer some to my neighbor, they may get defend, for they are still able to buy them on their own. Without a doubt, I only save a few enough for myself and bringht the rests of them to a temple near my work. I feel relieve after I do so because I don’t want the vegetable get rodent. By offering them to the temple, I think all other nunes (I saw…

  • Gift

    Genya is my mother’s neighbor. She will have her 100th birthday next month.My mother and I wish her have a happy birthday ,so we decided to make a gift for her. Now the gift is made up. It is a lovely bird with green pine needles and Violet flowers around. Genya will be very happy to get the hand made gift on her birthday.

  • Fanning the Spark of Possibility

    On September 12th, 2005 I found my voice. It lain dormant within me for fifteen years, then began simmering slowly, and finally came to an exhilarating boil. The words coming out of the anchorwoman’s mouth lifted my soul, so that from the inside I was peeled out of the moment, “…Hurricane Katrina…” My mind was penetrated by every pixel of the screen with a stinging intensity; my body escaped from homeostasis and I no longer felt comfortable just sitting on my couch complacently and passively watching. For an entire month I had observed the catastrophic affects of Hurricane Katrina on the people of Louisiana, and in that compelling moment, I…

  • kindness smile

    when i make eyecontact with a stranger, i love to share a kindness smile. when others have shared this with me, i have felt safe and a bit of unconditional acceptance. what true joy.

  • feel the pain of a squirrel

    When I was still a student at Berkeley in 1986, I walked to campus on north side every day.One day, I saw a squirrel stopped in the middle of the street while trying to cross the street.At this time, a car went over the squirrel but apparently didn’t run over it. I can see that the squirrel was so frightened and appalled, and its heartbeat was super fast with tremoring. I immediately ran to the squirrel and picked it up with my book and carried it over to the tree so it won’t be run over by the next car. I recited Ahmitabah and hopefully the squirrel will be free…

  • Hemerhoid friend

    My Friend had hemorrhoid surgery. I took her to the hospital a couple of times and stayed with her as she was in so much pain. Something went wrong with her surgery. I have lung problems so being in the hospital caused my lungs to get inf lammed. (I’ve had my lungs collapse or partially collapse hundreds of times… and have lots of allergies to everything they seem to use in the hospital.) But she really needed my help do I did what I had do to.Thanks for the music Heng Sure!

  • Be oneself

    I can not motivate other people to be the same because the universal is combine by varied objects to make this world beautiful. For example, there is colorful picture hands on the wall. However, my favor color is white, so print it in white. At the end a colorful picture became is white picture. What do you think this picture? Is this still a colorful picture?The only person I can motive is myself to try the different things, not force people to do what I like.

  • Politeness

    I encountered a mother and her young son in my local grocery store recently. The mother, who looked a little frazzled, had sent her son in my direction (he may have been 4 or 5) to pick up an item for their shopping cart. As the little boy approached me he quietly said, “Excuse me sir.” I remembered how good it felt when friends and strangers would tell me my own daughter’s acts of politeness, so I approached the mother and told her of her son’s gesture toward me. Her face lightened up with a big smile and she thanked me for telling. She then hugged her son and thanked…