Good Karma Music Stories

  • About acting Bodhisattva (3/8/2008) by IL-Hak monk from Seoul, Korea

    What is acting of Bdhisattva?If you want to know see what Heng Sure sunim doing…

  • Teaching through Kindness (3/6/2008) by Dwan from Santa Rosa Beach, USA

    I deeply value being kind and considerate for myself, but I am also a mom, and I know that I’ve got one chance to raise my boys to be good people. Therefore I feel it is doubly important to try to be kind, courteous and considerate in all my actions – I’ve got 3 sets of eyes watching my every move. Some of the things I try to do: always say please and thank you; always greet and ask after anyone I interact with – I always greet the checkout person and bagger at my grocery, for instance; use cloth bags even if it means buying treking out to the car or trying to buy new if I miss them; picking up trash; helping people who drop things; opening and holding doors for people, fostering homeless cats…and so on. Hopefully my little ones are learning to be compassionate and thoughtful…I have high hopes – last weekend they asked me to go for a walk around the block to pick up garbage and recyclables, and they say please and thank you most of the time….^_^

  • Picking up Trash (3/3/2008) by Michael from Bayside, USA

    I visited a Chan Meditation Center and picked up a little pamphlet, card, type thing that had 108 quotes from Venerable Master Sheng Yen. One of the quotes on it says, “By just picking up litter and refraining from littering, we are doing meritorious deeds.” I found this quote to be inspiring and empowering, and like all wise sayings or quotes that move me, I write it down on my list of quotes and tape the paper on my wall to see every day. As I was walking on the subway platform to get the 7 train, I noticed a piece of paper on floor. As I walked closer to it staring at the piece of paper, I thought about the quote and wanted to pick it up. I was thinking, “pick it up, now, now, now!” but i ended up walking right past it. In the train, there was a man claiming to be part of a homeless shelter program and to donate. I like everyone else knew it was a lie but I also knew whatever change I could spare would help him. So as he stook his plastic bag out and walked down the isle i though, I want to give him some change, and i was saying “give him the change…” but again I didn’t.Any litter that I have, I usually put in my bag until i get home, and throw out the garbage or recycle the paper bag. I clean up my mess, take care of what I do, and keep to myself. And sometimes not lend a helping hand or extend when i should because i feel the outside world is hostile and i want to keep myself safe. It seems that way with the man asking for change, and i would sit in the train seat with the bag in front of my as a barrier from the rest of the people in the train.I was being responsible for myself, but i wasn’t helping the world around me, even if its picking up a piece of litter. And i felt guilty every time i saw a piece of trash i could easily pick up but chose not to or a homeless man i just ignored.This morning while waiting for the bus, I saw a whole pizza box lying on the floor. And right next to me was a trash can. I was waiting for the bus while contemplating the pizza box and why i couldn’t just pick it up and throw it out. I tried to be mindful and tried to understand what i was thinking, “I dont want people look at me. Who dose that? pick up someone elses litter and throws it out” I thought, “if nobody was watching me i would absolutely throw out the pizza box. The trash can is right next to me.” I guess having about 15 minutes or so to wait for the bus and being mindful made me think, this is silly. I visualized picking up the box, and throwing it out, then i picked it up for real and threw it out.This isnt a huge act of kindness I guess, but I guess this brook will lead to a stream and eventually a river.

  • Translation (3/2/2008) by Fedde from NULL, Holland

    Maybe it is not priceless, but anyway. I started translating some DRBA-material from English into Dutch. This way I am getting to learn very kind and wise people. Also I’m learning a lot both on the topics I’m translating and on the translation work itself. I hope one day the Dharma will flourish in Europe too. respectfully,

  • A little help (2/27/2008) by NULL from NULL, United States

    I was sitting at Starbucks and a man asked for a donation to homeless children. At first I did not feel to move, and just shook my head in reply. But after thinking about it, I got up and gave him a dollar.

  • to cheer up a friend (2/23/2008) by Chin Son from Calgary, Canada

    I am hoping to acquire a copy of Paramita for a friend of mine. She has been very sad lately, since her pet ducks were all shot by hunters. But I think she will enjoy this music.My recent act of kindness has been helping the local sangha to prepare and serve vegan meals for the general public, to promote mindful and compassionate eating.Thank you.

  • A Dharma School Teacher (2/22/2008) by SHM from Nilai, Malaysia

    I am a dharma school teacher in Seremban Temple. it is hard to teach little boys and girls to do good in this era. i find it hard to drill what is good and what is bad into their brains. But it is good to teach the dharma, it makes me feel happy.