Multiple Facets of Liberation

As where i feel farther from awakening and liberating the self…i enjoy the act of liberation in the means of several different types…we here in town have a very loving, non judging, community based collective, that has inspired me greatly, there is a free lending library, they hold free music performances, etc…well i come from a place where i had chosen to live a life of humility…i was digging through dumpsters for wasted food, that was still good mind you, being freshly thrown away in knowing that spending money for more food while so much is being wasted was ignorance…well one time i found an entire bag of fresh bread…so i took it to the collective for them to give to people who stopped by who might be hungry…i love buying books that are vital, in my opinion, to raising awareness, and giving them away…knowledge liberation from the clutches of capital…and sometimes a simple smile to a stranger can do more than any amount of materials ever could…i would like to become involved with a Johnny Apple seed Mind frame, growing food everywhere, for the earth is the great garden itself, as well as, The Really Really Free Market….where we give stuff away all the time, no trade, no money just sharing…

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