Good Karma Music Stories

  • Post Title (11/23/2022) by Su MIn Lee from Singapore

    I share my bliss after attending Ven. Heng Sure 3 days Dharma Talks in The Singapore Buddhist Lodge on Facebook. Also expressed my deepest gratitude to Ven. Heng Sure’s great teachings which inspiring me a lots! NAMO AMITOUFO.

  • Post Title (11/22/2022) by Joey Sin from Singapore

    I share the 华严经 sutra physical book with my peers during ven Heng sure talks in SG buddhist lodge on 22 Nov’22 . Sharing of dharma is a joy of giving 😁😁.

  • Post Title (11/22/2022) by minchien from petaling, malaysia

    I recited the Universal Door Chapter today. Thank you.

  • Post Title (11/14/2022) by 赵国廷 from 阳泉市

    I recite the amitaba‘s name today,and i wish everyone who belive in amitaba budda can born in amitaba’s pureland

  • Post Title (11/11/2022) by Zhen Ying from Singapore

    I saw a medium-sized ant climbing up my arm. Instead of following my habitual tendency of swiping it away and unintentionally killing it, I grabbed a piece of paper so lead the ant to it. Then once the ant is walking the paper, I placed the paper on the floor so tat the ant can walk on the floor in 1 piece.

  • Post Title (11/9/2022) by GONG ZHANG from 大连市


  • Post Title (11/8/2022) by Kim Mercier from las vegas, u.s.a

    On Nov 8, 2022 Kim Mercier wrote :

    A Life of Service inspired me to sell my car and simplify my possessions according with the seasons. It is now wintry, one fleece lined pant for moving about, another one for sleep. Securing my only possessions onto an old mountain bicycle which enables me to ride up the mountain or down into town, sometimes in circles. My food sack consists of salad in a bag and lets not forget, assorted nuts and fruits for the grounded and flying friendly neighbors on my path. At times the food load can be cumbersome and a tid bit heavy for my aging bones but I shake off the self serving thought and ride on back up the mountain. One day, I noticed a family of birds moved into the neighborhood in search of food. The mother, the leader, would sit on the highest rock directing her children while they walked about seeking out any morsel of highland grains. I prepare my bike, and ride down the mountain to a neighborhood market. I park my bike next to a metal garbage can, walked into the store and noticed the cudest stuffed snow man with two twigs for arms welcoming me with open arms. My heart giggled at the yarn snow man. Just then, a woman approached me with confusion in her eyes retorted to me, ‘While sitting in my car, I watched you ride up with a huge smile on your face and you havent stopped smiling since!’ Thinking smiling is not the norm, ‘I am so greatful for everything I have!’ was my reply. She managed to break a small smile and nodded as she departed. I then asked myself the same question, ‘Why am I smiling so joyously? I only have this one pair of fleece lined pants i have been wearing everyday that is in need of a cleaning.