Act of Kindness Stories

Act of Kindness Stories

  • Saving ants

    I was about to take a shower when I about 20 ants crawling around the bathtub. I looked around and I helped the ants out of the tub for days until the ants stopped coming to the bathroom.

  • Turtles

    On my birthday,I went to a Chinese super market and bought about 60 something Red eared turtles and freed it into a river.

  • Supporting Family of Someone Ill

    This is not really a story about what I’ve done, but what I’ve been seeing my wife do. A neighbor down the block was diagnosed with ALS a few years ago. He’s got a wife and two young children and day-to-day life has become very challenging for all of them, especially his wife. My wife got arranged for a meeting for their friends, family and neighbors a couple years ago and everyone gathered in our living room for an evening to talk about what help was needed and who could offer what. Since then, my wife has devoted hours of her time to coordinating the needs of their family with…

  • Forgiveness

    From when I was little I was very passionate about saving bugs. I believed that they had lives and should not die at the hands or feet of the more powerful humans. They were helpless and unable to defend themselves so I made it my job. I would tell people not to hurt any bugs and would physicaly prevent that from happening. Sometimes I wasn’t fast enough and I was too late to save them. I would yell at their killers and call them murderers. Because of that I became unpopular and asocial. As I grew older I realized that those people did not understand why I became distressed whenever…

  • Not being self centered

    I was meditating peacefully and heard someone knocking on the door. My immediate reaction was to not answer it but soon decided that I should anwser the door so that the poor guy will not be disappointed. Surely, when I answered the door, the poor guy was very relieved. I think it is a healthy attitute to put other’s interest ahead of my own.It is so tempting to just shut out the world and to sit and meditate for personal bliss but I always remind myself not to be self centered.Master Hua (the founder of DRBA) served as a great model for me. He alone inspired me to take up…

  • For My Mother

    I am actually writing this for my mom as she does not know much English and is also “internet challenged.” She was watching a buddhist program on channel 8 that featured Rev. Heng Sure. He mentioned about the music that was available on the website and my really wanted it because she has has passion for music. I just wanted to say that my mom has been the most generous person that I know. She drives from san francisco to el cerrito at least twice a week to visit the guru for spiritual guide and helps him with his workings. She chants everyday at her alter and is very dedicated…

  • Too much anger

    All my life I have had a temper. There were even times when I was angry, I would realize that I had no reason to be angry, but I chose to stay angry anyway. I thought it made me feel “better” (or actually, powerful). People around you want to placate you when you are obviously angry. They stay out of your way and are very likely to do what you want.It didn’t feel right, though. It felt like I was doing something wrong. But I felt like I couldn’t do much about it. Everyone gets angry, right?When I discovered Buddhism, I found that I certainly could do something about it.…

  • little effort

    I reached Utrecht and rented and apartment. I got a call mentioning that a package has arrived for me. I went to look at it and found that the package had my address but belonged to someone else. I did not accpet it and asked those people to wait and I shall try and find out about the person. With some effort and inquiries from other residents it was possible to locate the person and I informed her. She came to collect the parcel immediately. She mentioned that it had warm clothing sent by her parents and she desperately needed it because the weather has started to turn cold already.