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    为离开不可言之苦,为了尊重灵性与人格,决定修习不净观,古人言道“人想死亡日,欲火顿清凉。愚人若闻此,愁眉叹不祥。究竟百年后,同入烬毁场。菩萨九想观,苦海大津梁” 《安士全书之欲海回狂》有言:世间苦恼事,皆从爱欲生。爱心不能断,对色已销魂。水从骨内出,火自眼中腾。心雄胆已泼,业重障还深。平时顾礼义,或复爱声名。到此霎时间,廉耻安足论。鬼神且不畏,名教岂能绳。茫茫一浊世,狱讼渐繁兴。圣贤垂训戒,纸上亦空存。幸有如来教,大开甘露门。示以不净观,欲火化为冰。纵有天仙女,还同癞乞形。何况凡间妇,本是革囊成。不用谈因果,不用设严刑。见此众秽具,淫魔不敢争。此观得成就,拔去爱淫根。我从昔年来,亦复似摩登。多方用强制,对境还复萌。作此观想后,欲念顿然轻。今日稍觉悟,归戴大慈尊。誓于未来世,扫尽魔王军。分身无量刹,普利诸有情。冰庵张夫子,诲我尝谆谆。其言修观法,譬之学庖丁。疱丁技成后,不见全牛身。用刀十九载,犹如新发硎。我此降魔剑,百炼已成金。斩尽妖容鬼,目内无全人。西施接膝坐,唯见骨缠筋。三十六种物,色秽气膻腥。坐怀即是乱,不复慕展禽〖展禽,即柳下惠〗。爰述为俚句,朴陋不堪吟。但使文义畅,牧竖亦能听。听后转相化,永断爱河津。法轮时时转,浊世皎然清。 如果有人需要不净观资料(我收集并加工了一些法医图鉴,但是注意,我们对死去的这些人,应该尊敬,祂们是学习不净观的老师,此外,我在观看这些图片时,会念《大佛顶楞严神咒》,还有,请常念“恭敬观世音菩萨”多念“广大圆满无碍大悲心陀罗尼神妙章句”,多多读佛经,圣经,圣贤书,让自己的人生变得有意义,这对我们非常重要,还有,向广袤无垠的宇宙,一重一重的辉耀的星空,不思议的法性探索),请下载百度网盘并点击通过百度网盘分享的文件:敬警 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1F6RC2-FcW2286vGVz2zuCw?pwd=r4bt  提取码:r4bt 复制这段内容打开「百度网盘APP 即可获取」

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    There’s a student studying to be a physical therapist who is staying with us. College students don’t have much money and just barely getting by. She works several jobs and is rarely home. I usually offer her some fruits or any food that I cook so that she can have some healthy food to eat. She’s always so appreciative and happy to accept the food.

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    Now, I have been practicing gratitude towards the Four Field of Grace

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    The good deed is one that is done several times a week and comes in many forms. I volunteer in a second grade classroom and lead environmental trips for Audubon. I teach Dhamma and meditation classes to people in various types of recovery. I facilitate recovery meetings. I help my 92 year old mother 5-7 days a week. I follow the eightfold path and keep the five precepts everyday.

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    Jan. 2024. I was broke. -4k€. Still broke 🙂 but one night I was walking in the street close to the Vieux Port. Then I heard someone calling me. I went to check on him. I think his name was Mouss, he was a 40-ish African guy with a perfect accent from Marseille. He asked me where I am from. I told him I was born and raised in Paris but I fell in Love with the energy of the city of Marseille. I was going to play on an important play in a big Theater but I have decided to listen to my heart instead of my head so…

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    我的新房子,冬天物业公司送了赠品–毛线织成的门把套,好看又防寒,冬天开门不冻手。就在前天,被几个小孩子给撸走了。门把手是不锈钢的,没有把套,开门关门时,手都很凉。如果是以前我会很生气,会想办法拿回来或者会在业主群里面开骂(年前就有业主因为此事骂过)。 现在我的处理办法是:心平气和地提醒家长们,孩子出于贪玩或者喜欢门把套拿走就走吧,但要和户主打声招呼。否则意义就不一样了。勿以恶小而为之。 我认为这也是一个善的行为。事情虽小,但也能看出来我自己的改变。 阿弥陀佛

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    Massage a monastic practitioner’s arm to ease and tame the pain

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    Help a friend who doesn’t know much about computer redeem online credit card point for gift cards.

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    When I first entering PhD, I lost the social life that I got used to, and I even felt that it was a waste of the “precious” work time if I went out just for social. After for a while, insulation and pressure came to me. When looking at the homeless on the street, I could even feel their pain. Then, I decided to buy some food for them whenever I am free or stressful. Eventually, this purchasing action became the volunteer work in a food distribution organization. I felt a sense of contribution and belonging. Now I can handle my stress easily and have better skill of helping homeless.…