• 助念往生

    1978年,宣化上人师父到麻坡净业寺弘法,当时我 一岁,感恩爸爸让我有缘的皈依了师父。 爸爸在八零年代,组织了妙音念佛会,免费的为将要往生的佛友组念,推广放生和共修念阿弥陀佛。 从一个人单枪匹马到现在已经有一群发心的佛友,当中很多都是往生者的家属。。。 在2014年,爸爸在一群佛友的组念下,往生了西方极乐世界,火化后,有舍利子,其中有一粒金色和一粒银色的舍利子,极为殊深。 阿弥陀佛!

  • save me from sick

    I have studied Drama for nearly seven years. When I was in colleage I had a big lower back pain, I lay in bed all night with my eyes open, thinking of my miserable life. Then unconsciusly I found a video in website, it was a master monk teaching Mahabana Sutra, when I heard that the Buddha knew the mushroom was poisonous but he eated and enter Nirvana, I was sincerely touched by the budda’s selfless and sincere. Later on I knew the reason why I had this lower back pain. I truly appreacite the Master Hua and his disciple Heng sure’s work for the world. Amitabha.

  • Freeing Animals onDad’s Birthday

    My parents were resistive to freeing captive animals. Because they are not vegetarian and think freeing captive animals is a waste of money. On my Dad’s birthday, he received many kinds of gifts. I said I would give him a very special gift for his health and long life by freeing captive animals on this special day. Somehow he finally agreed to buy some native fish with eggs and happily freed them into the river. I could see he really enjoyed the moment of offering freedom to other lives.

  • Love Conquer It All

    Dear All, Since young, i have been a happy go lucky person! Back in 2015, i was suddenly taken ill and each time the attack come, i couldn’t breathe and grasping for air. Out of desperation, i have sought many for help! In my these few years of struggling, i am fortunate to have come across Shurangama teaching and the moment i surrender to Buddha, i can feel the 365 degree swift in my health. I have learned to self reflect. Thank you for the Shurangama english translation. Last but not least, believe, have faith and gratitude always. Thank you.

  • 惜水


  • Talking to the house flies

    Two days ago, a family member was so annoyed by the house flies that flew around the kitchen. The person took out the fly smasher and wanted to kill the fly. I was doing the dishes then and when I saw what is going to happened, I commented, leave them alone, they will be gone before you knew it. I am glad the person listened to what i said, put down the smasher and walked out of the kitchen. I then passed a remark to the fly, I saved you now, if you still not going to leave, I can’t promise I can save you again. I then chanted Amitofo…

  • The Cat

    Last night a stray cat broke into my home to find food. I chased it out of the house. This afternoon when I came home. I feed the cat.

  • Gave my Backpack to a Homeless man

    There was a grubby man who was living on the streets of Chico he carried all his camping stuff on his body and in loose bags. I had a camping backpack and I gave it to him so he could live more comfortably.