The Monk from Berkeley California
I like to share what is the best story I have ever tell.
Ten years ago when we arrived in Australia, while having lessons through the migrant program at Tafe, a teacher asked me what I would like to be in ten years. I remember answering that I want to be in a place where I am useful and helpful.
Then life went on, and it was difficult, but at the same time delightful. Australia is such a perfect place to live in these turmoiled times we are living. We moved a few times and four years ago we decided to experience the Gold Coast way of life. It’s Paradise … And looking for a meditation practice on the weekend, a few miles away, an American Monk, from Berkeley California.
It was just after the 2016 Election, like half of the World, at least, we were in shock, and I remember the Reverend Heng Sure, helping us getting along with this slow depression that was growing. Like always he said what needed to be said, and played some music …
And since then every Sunday, when the Monastery is opened I go to the meditation class. I have learned many many things there, the most important of all, is that I know nothing … Universe is way too big and too old and too complex. But there are things very real that we can change or maintain with infinite patience, and unconditional Love.
I understood that I have to give back, to help, and that way and only that way is the way to real Happiness … So I looked for a Job.
And I found an ad from a lady in Bonogin. She has multiple sclerosis, two Asperger kids, three horses, two dogs, two chickens, one cat, and one bird, a big house, and a husband who has lost his long time job recently and is working casually 50 hours a week, and cant help really more because there is so much to do always.
So since then I start my day at five, by feeding horses, cats, and chickens, walking the dogs, gardening, and helping in the house. I am involved with the teenage boy who was in a bad situation when we arrived, and with dialogue and care and being consistent, and unconditional love, he is now ready to get a summer job, is praised at school for his positive attitude, and get smarter every day.
And I do that for free literally and helping my partner and her kids financially at the same time while sharing the house we are all living in.
It’s been ten years, and yes I am in a place where I am helpful and useful, and on the path to be a better man, a way better version of myself.
And to be honest, without this monk from Berkeley California, I would not be where I am now .