A Next Journey
As a gratitude to an old mentor, I wrote a small poem to him a few weeks before he passed away this month. He was Director of the Council of Churches’ civil rights organization based in Mississippi, where we met. He remained a Presbyterian minister while I became a lay-Buddhist but our commonality connected when we began sharing ideas of our spirituality.A Next Jouney—It is okay for me to be Afraid to fear the inevitable to wander off into my past and torture myself for experiences I wish I’d had not had to wander then to deep moving moments in my lifetime that I will forever cherish all those moving experiences that have transformed me in so many minute and profound ways shaping me to who I am now.It is okay foe me to continue shaping myself even to the last moment like tiny sands of clay that molds and shapes a being inside and out from loving hands and loving minds from forgiving hands and forgiving minds.It is also okay for me to be alone and not fear how that is like to look at the stillness and be so alone that finally fear flitters away; I flip it off with a flick of my fingers in my mind letting it go disengaging saying ‘bye but saying hello when it is revisited.For life is a continuous journey after all it does not really end we travel on to seek and to fulfill To live again for compassion, wisdom and joy.It is okay.I am ttansferring merit to you, Bob, as I think of you everyday.